Our main focus is that this website remains “User-Friendly” for all users, that goes not only for our team but for supporters and visitors as well, be considerate, compassionate and understanding of anyone new or old using this site, if something is not right feel free to contact me and notify me of anything that isn’t right to our friendly service.
Terms and Conditions:
You must abide by our User-Friendly Service mentioned above.
These Terms and Conditions may be subject to change over time and you must abide by while using this site.
By using this website or contacting my email you agree to the terms and conditions listed here, if you do not agree to any one of these Terms and Conditions then please leave this site and don’t contact my email except if you have a reasonable suggestion about something.
We are not responsible for any advice we give as administrators as long as we abide by the User-Friendly service as well as the Terms and Conditions, by asking for advice or anything your doing so at your own risk, this condition is here for the sole purpose that we are truly here to help, not to be sued.
Nothing is changed without the approval of the Founder/Manager.
We are NOT responsible if you have any problems with using this site or if you save and/or download anything from it, we try to maintain a standard, if something isn't right notify me via my Email.
You must “NOT” I repeat “NOT” post, upload, transmit, talk, share or associate with anything illegal/unlawful, copyrighted content, nudity or pornographic material, suggestive content, violent, abusive, threatening, harassing, defamatory, hateful, vulgar, obscene and/or intrusive content or language, as well as personal and/or private information of anyones, if you see any of this on this website notify me via my contact email and I’ll try and fix and/or remove it and the perpetraitor may be banned.
You have the responsibility "NOT" to share personal and private information to anyone, anything including credit card numbers, bank details, names, address, phone numbers, and what town/subberb/state you or anyone live in.
No phishing or posting spam, scams, advertising, viruses of any kind (that includes trojans, malware, spyware, adware, worms, rootkits, keylogging, ransomware), No hacking of any kind, No trolling or stalking.
If you are unsure about anything feel free to contact me and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
if something isn't right notify me personally via my Email instead of writing a bad review about me and my sites.