~What is Anxiety~ Anxiety is a condition of the mind based around worry, fear, nerves and uneasiness, there are a few different forms of anxiety and may affect people differently for each individual. ~Different forms of Anxiety~ Generalised Anxiety Disorder This is just Anxiety in the long term side of things, it plays a major part of your life and can take its toll on the individual, it can take a fair bit of time and effort to deal with getting through it. Social Anxiety/Phobia Social Anxiety can be a number of things such as fear or worry about facing and dealing with everyday life in a social viewpoint, fear of being judged, criticized or embarrased, worry about doing things or even walking around in public, being nervous or worried about making conversation or becoming part of a conversation, also being spoken to, public speech or being assertive also tend to cause nerves or worry. Morning/Evening Anxiety This is a form of Anxiety associated with certain timeframes, someone with Anxiety may feel more anxious in the afternoon, evening, night or morning timeframes. Panic Attacks/Disorder This is instant overwhelming anxiety in the form of an attack of intense fear and panic, they usually pass within 20 to 30 minutes. Phobia/Fear This is usually fear of something specific, for example if you have a fear of spiders then you would be known to have arachnophobia, a fear heights is known as acrophobia. ~Dealing with Anxiety~
If anything try not to worry as is associated with Anxiety, just remember if you worried about every little thing people did or said to you or everything you did that didn't go according to plan or as envisioned in your day then you'd be an anxious wreck, heck i tend to think back at the end of the day and feel concerned that i did or didn't say or do something right or the right way, either way don't worry about it, let it go, these things only plague us if we allow them to, bad events/experiences shouldn't plague us in doing things and achieveing our goals.
Try and get by with your life and focus on the future, after all tomorrow is another day, a new day, if you focus on the past then your life stays in the past and on past events, find a way to continue on to a brighter future.
Stay Positive and Confident, even in some difficult points in life, positivity, optimism, and confidence and weaken Anxiety to a degree, stay in your comfort zone if you have to.
Sometimes you can be more anxious or emotional during certain times, anxiousness can feel stronger later in the afternoon, evening or at night because it is a time when your body and mind tend to tone down from the day, it can also affect us in the morning or at the start of the day as something about our day may bother us or maybe just getting through the day is difficult or concerning sometimes, either way don't worry too much, it'll pass, time makes the biggest difference, it's just natural to you as mentioned in the next part.
Anxiety is natural, it's probably due to genetics or the way your mind developed, take the day one step at a time, anyone that wants things to go faster than they should isn't worth your time as far as i'm concerned, go at your pace, whether it's one step at a time or day by day.
You don't have to do things you don't want to, peer-pressure is a tempting thing, just remember you don't have to do anything you don't feel comfortable with, you're in control of your life.
Some people are judgemental and overly critical, walk away from anyone like this, they'll make you feel worse than you already are.
Things can't be re-done, so handle it the best you can and trust that things turn out right, even afterwards don't stress, maybe things were mean't to happen this way, figure out your way to move on from bad days and your way to correct your mistakes.
if you can't do anything about a bad situation then just laugh and enjoy it, if a situation is only going to go bad without any way of seemingly being able to do the right thing or make it right then enjoy it and have a laugh about it, if you can't do anything right then it can't hurt right.
Try to do something or focus on something that will help you calm down, like listening to music, doing some drawing or playing a game, as for being in the moment this can be as simple as regularly reminding yourself that everything will be fine, maybe clench or rub your hands or fingers together, pinch yourself, run your fingers through your hair, take a slow deep breath, blow air slow like your blowing a bubble or whatever way works for you.
Emulate Coolness, pretend or think you are someone else, be reasonable with this one, i don't mean that you should change your voice, name or really act like someone else, I mean if there is one or a number of characters or people whether from your life or from television that inspire you, that seem really cool or out-there, enthusiastic or full of energy, lively or vibrant and full of life, anyway use the aspects that inspire you in your life to be your own inspiration, be who you want to be.
If nothing majorly helps you then embrace it, enjoy it or make it enjoyable for you, if it really affects your life and the way you do things then make the most of it, hell i'm insane enough to say or do ridiculous things without thinking about what people think of me then surely if you feel similar then this idea will help you, when it starts affecting me i like to think of myself as a mix between Jim Carey and Robin Williams even though i don't reach there level of enthusiastic humor, in the end i probably look like a complete idiot, at the end of the day i remember that I don't care what anyone thinks of me, as long as i've reasonably did what i reasonably thought was right and reasonably enjoyed and expressed myself then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, after all i'm living my life my way just like everyone else seems too.
This Article was written and published by GreatJustinTheDarkNite. You'll find this information on www.alwaysthereliving.com. do not claim this information as your own. you should not copy this information without prior permission. if you do use anything then please give credit to old GreatJustinTheDarkNite. Thanks for reading, for your consideration, and for your time.